If you're familiar with Google, you know, the company that owns the website Google.com, it made $116 billion dollars in 2018 alone. This was from its advertising revenue. 

Facebook, which we're sure is very familiar to you, on the other hand, made just about $17.4 billion in advertising revenue. Anybody who has been observing these two companies know that advertising is big money

Now, how much does Google and Facebook give to the users, without which, they wouldn't be earning that much? Services.

OGPlanet.com with your help, wants to democratize the advertising industry and shake things up a bit. It plans on doing so, by rewarding its users when the users participate on the site. Advertisers give OGPlanet the money, and in turn, OGPlanet conducts surveys, offers and competitions that may be used for market research - the same thing that Google and Facebook are doing. What's the difference?

OGPlanet.com rewards You, the user, to participate.