Garnering the right amount of points opens gates for you to claim your prize!

For you to claim your prize sign in to your account on, and find the Claim Prizes section. The available prizes appear to you like a list so you can choose which one you could receive. Simply press the button and you're soon on your way to receiving it.

From there, the wheels inside start churning! Do be patient however as your prize gets verified and validated. You can check what stage we are in, when it comes to processing your prize by checking on the History tab.

Waiting for your prize can be so nerve wracking so we suggest you take some offers or watch some more mobile ads while waiting. Soon, the status may change to "In Progress", that means we have received your claim are well in the process of validating it for you.;

The amount of time it takes to send your prize could be indicated by the "maximum delivery date" indicated on the status. We exert our best efforts to ensure that it gets to you sooner that that however.